FREE eBook Available for a Limited Time for Ohio Residents:

Join Our 5-Day Energy Challenge for FREE!

The Daily Energy-Boosting Secrets Our Clients Are Using To Ditch Mid-Afternoon Slump!

Well, it absolutely IS possible…

With our FREE 5-Day Energy Challenge, you’ll learn EXACTLY how to turn that energy slump around in less than a week- even if you’ve got a crazy schedule!

Here’s what you get when you join our FREE 5-Day Challenge:

✅ A complete 5-Day Energy Challenge Success Guide

✅ Daily Quick-Charge Checklist to track your progress

✅ Facebook group coaching & support

✅ Daily emails to help keep you motivated and on track

Ready to jump in?



Who we are

We help women over 35 feel better and have more energy without extreme measures or fad diets.
We use the “FabFit Method” which is made up of 3 key components:
  • FabFit Success Blueprint

  • Sustainable habit-based fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance

  • Elite accountability coaching

Contrary to what many believe, you do not have to feel like you got the snot beat out of you to get a great workout and reach your goals. Consistent workouts, at a level appropriate for you and your goals, paired with habit-based nutrition and lifestyle guidance, are the secret to success.