Client Spotlight: Georgann

Sep 10, 2023

 by Kim Bouldin
September's Client Spotlight -  Georgann:
I am honored to be the September client spotlight!
Like many women, I am a busy mother of three boys, working full-time with career goals.  As I am getting older, the things I used to do to lose weight no longer work. I recognized that my workouts were mainly cardio and I was missing strength training, but needed a flexible program to keep me on track and make sure I was doing the right exercises for me. I had seen the amazing outcomes of a friend and decided to give it a shot!
What keeps me motivated are the people!  The trainers are amazing and know when I need challenged. They celebrate with me when I stay in my plank longer or move up in my weights!  It is so inspiring to get to know the women in my classes and hear about their journeys. It is such an inclusive and positive environment!
My goals were fairly simple, add strength training into my routine on a consistent basis and I’m happy to say that I have done just that!  I’m grateful to the flexibility in scheduling that FabYOUlous Fitness offers as the days/times that I am able to attend literally changes on a weekly basis, depending on family and work schedule. I have already noticed that I have more energy, sleep better, and overall feel more accomplished. Funny enough, my boys think it is cool that their mom lifts weights and now they ask me to show them new exercises at home (take that Dad)!
Now that I am six months into my FabYOUlous Fitness journey, I have to say the most eye-opening moment for me was when I was asked to provide a before and after photo for this spotlight. While I have a million pictures, it was extremely difficult to find one with me in it!  Honestly, I usually deleted those because I didn’t like how I looked. But the one I selected is a recent one that I kept with all my boys, I remember looking at it and thinking “that one doesn’t look that bad”.  While this may seem odd to some, to me I think it speaks volumes for the confidence I am gaining!