Client Spotlight: Jenn

Aug 3, 2022

 by Kim Bouldin

Today we are going to spotlight our client, Jenn. 

Take it away, Jenn!

"My journey started the day I decided to put myself first.  I finally had time, after our son graduated, to start thinking of ways I could kick start my health.  I decided that the ad I saw for Fabyoulous Fitness was exactly what I was interested in-  An all woman’s gym, where you sign up for classes and are accountable for going.  

While Fabyoulous Fitness is awesome and accommodating to my level of ability, my journey has not been easy.  Between covid concerns, a knee injury, and other “life” obstacles, it may have been easy to call it quits, but somewhere during my time here I found that I actually enjoyed coming each week.  I looked forward to my weekly routine, found the workouts challenging but energizing, and it kept me from losing my mind during difficult times.  The instructors are so motivating, kind and supportive.  It never really crossed my mind to throw in the towel when things got tough.  Despite the challenges, my experience has made me better and stronger.  Quite literally – I HAVE MUSCLES!"

Thank you for taking the time to share with us.