I got this totally wrong

Sep 10, 2024

 by Kim Bouldin

I remember when I was first starting to regain my strength after a long period of rest. I got caught up in all the DOING. 

The workouts, the meal plans, the lifestyle changes…

The list goes on.

But over time, I realized something that has since changed everything for me and my clients: 

It’s not just about WHAT you do to get back to a healthy fitness routine…

It’s also about HOW you do it. 

And since we’re talking about brain health this month…

It’s worth remembering that stress — even with good intentions — can have a MAJOR impact on your brain, mood, energy levels, blood sugar, hormones, and sleep quality…

All things that can easily derail your progress despite all your hard work. 

What’s the point of sacrificing one part of our health for another, right? 

So even though getting 2-3 days of strength training in, and focusing on mobility or eating a macro-friendly diet are important for resetting your metabolism…

👉 So is managing your stress. 

My recommendation? 

Check in with yourself more often.

Ask yourself if what you’re doing is supporting you or draining you.

Here are a few questions to get you started…

  1. What is one thing I did today / this week that made me feel proud?

  2. How did I handle stress and challenges today / this week?

  3. What is one thing I can let go of to reduce my stress?

  4. What am I grateful for right now?

  5. How can I make more time for self-care and relaxation tomorrow / in the coming week?

These questions can help you stay in tune with your mental and emotional well-being, making your path to a full body transformation far more sustainable and enjoyable.

This is also a great way to coach yourself!

But if you want more personalized guidance and support, 

We just had 2 spots open up in our coaching program and we’re reserving it for TWO motivated individuals. Let’s talk! Set up a discovery call by clicking here. 

In your corner, 

Kim Bouldin



