Your immune system is basically like your very own Marvel superhero universe, working hard to protect your body 24/7 from invaders.
It’s so tempting to want to do ALL the things … but trying to do too much, too soon, too often can lead to feeling burned out and overwhelmed.
When you give your healthy habits and goals attention, have support, and follow a proven plan… results will follow.
What does the YOU from two months ago think about how much present-day YOU has accomplished so far this year?
Your sleep matters, because while you’re getting your Zzzs, your body is actually hard at work, recovering, rebalancing, and refreshing.
I’ve got a surprising recipe today for all of my chocolate pudding lovers out there.
There actually ARE foods out there that are specifically designed to make you crave them.
Go for a walk, give someone you love a hug, breathe in the fresh air – anything that makes your heart happy.
I’m going to share something really important that just might change how you look at your health & fitness.
You do NOT have to reinvent gourmet meals every time you sit down to eat … or constantly come up with new ideas every day.
I’m going to let you in on one SIMPLE technique to reach your fitness/wellness goals this year. It never fails.
A workout can rev up your body’s feel-good hormones, give you a mental break, and shift your focus.